32nd Sunday of the year
The following celebrations will take place during the coming week.
- Saturday: (11 Nov) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
- Sunday: (12 Nov) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Paul and David Clay
- Tuesday: 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Hughes, Knock and Kelly Families
- Thursday: 10am Funeral Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: Jim Nicholson
- Saturday: (18 Nov) 6pm Mass in St. Alban’s Church: Susan Harland
- Sunday: (19 Nov) 10am Mass in St. Patrick’s Church: The Parishioners Intentions
Mass to view on line
Mass is live streamed from the Holy Name, Jesmond. Visit the website for Mass times this week.
When you are unable to celebrate Mass in Church, you may wish to make this act
of spiritual communion:-
Lord Jesus, I believe that you are present in the most Blessed Sacrament. I love you above all things and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you and unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen
Please keep in your prayers:
- all our parishioners who are sick, housebound or in hospital
- all those whose memories we cherish at this time especially Albert & Norah Lagan and,
- Frank Smith and Desmond Costelloe who have died. May they rest in peace.
The Sacrament of Confirmation – Sunday, 19th November please come and support our young people from St. Alban’s and St. Patrick’s who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation from Bishop Stephen during Mass next Sunday, 19th November at 10am in St. Patrick’s Church.
Remembrance Sunday
This weekend we celebrate Remembrance Day an opportunity to remember and pray for all those who have died in conflict and in the cause of peace.
Memory Books
In St. Patrick’s Church this Sunday we will rededicate our “Memory Books” containing the names of our deceased parishioners since 1995 (the centenary of the church), which were removed during the pandemic.
A Light in the Darkness
A Diocesan Service of Remembrance for those who mourn the loss of a child, will take place on Sunday, 19th November, 2023 at 3pm in St Joseph’s Church, Gateshead.
Annual Service of Light
You are invited to a Prayer Service at St Mary’s RC Church, Whickham, on Sunday 19th November at 3pm. This candlelit Service is to remember all our loved ones who have died in the Gateshead area and will be led by Revd Paul Nichol from the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Chaplaincy Team and staff from St Bede’s Hospice Unit. Light refreshments will be available in the Church Hall afterwards.
Our prayerful good wishes go to Martha who, supported by her family, friends and parish family, celebrated the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist for the first time last weekend. We assure her and her family of our ongoing prayers.
The Advent Cafe
Its coming back by popular demand – our Advent Café (aka St. Patrick’s Parish Centre) opening Wednesday, 29th November, 2023 at 6pm offering a chance to explore the themes of Advent – Hope, Love, Joy and Peace while praying, chatting and drinking coffee and eating cake!!!
The aim is to discover ways in which we, as a Christian, Catholic family can actually make these Advent ’themes’ a reality for someone, somewhere this Christmas. Everyone is welcome and admission is free in a warm environment.
“All the believers devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and to fellowship’ (Acts 2:42)
C = Catholic, Community, Cake, Conversation, Cake, Coffee, Cake and Challenge
A= Action, Advent
F= Faith
E = Everyone
School News from Mrs Robinson
Everyone is invited to a Christmas Market on Thursday 16th November from 5-7pm in St Alban’s school hall. It is £2 per adult entry and there are many stalls to do some early Christmas shopping. Refreshments will also be available.
Please see further information on the posters on the church noticeboards
Children’s’ Liturgy of the Word
We hope to offer an opportunity for a Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Youth Sunday, 26th November, in St. Patrick’s Church. More details later.
Christmas Raffle
We are officially launching our Christmas Raffle next weekend (although some may have tickets already!). It is a chance to raise much needed funds for both of our churches. There will be some good prizes! More details next week! But bring some cash to buy tickets as we haven’t gone “contactless” yet!
A Prayer for the Israeli and Palestinian People
Heavenly Father, we come to you as the source of all comfort asking that you send your Spirit to surround and uphold all those who are grieving, all those who are suffering, all those living in fear, and all those held in captivity. May the arms of comfort and compassion, overwhelm the arms of war. Amen
Christmas shopping!!
World Gifts are Cafod’s range of virtual charity gifts that will delight the people you give them to and help transform the lives of families and communities living in poverty. To find out more pick up a leaflet from church this weekend or visit the Cafod website.
Your offerings are our sole source of income
Although we do not take a collection at Mass by passing round a basket, we do hope you will feel able to make an offering towards the upkeep and running costs of our churches in one of the boxes you will find at the entrances to our churches. Alternatively you may consider making your offering by Standing Order the details of which are below.
For St. Alban’s: Account name: DHN Pelaw St Alban: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 92010984
For St. Patrick’s: Account name: DHN Felling St Patrick: Sort code: 40-34-18 Account No: 52010453
Covid Autumn Booster Vaccinations and Flu Vaccinations are now available
Everything you need to know may be found here Getting a COVID-19 vaccine